SJSD Accelerate Your Learning 2025
SJSD Accelerate Your Learning 2025
Friday February 14, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm CST
Are you wanting to stretch your students' mathematics thinking but they are missing skills? Are you looking for balance to instruct with rigor while backfilling for student individual operational and algorithm needs?  Is the calculator not enough for your upper grade math?  Are you feeling they are falling more behind because they don't have the basics, yet?

Come learn math intervention strategies that allow you to instruct students about missing skills while connecting them to and teaching them about current grade level objectives so you can get the most impactful educational experience possible. Research says that students need the missing skills to learn the current standards, so join us in putting the pieces together to stretch students to "Infinity and Beyond." We will share proven practices that work for us while making additional connections with colleagues who have strategies that work across the grade levels.
avatar for Cora Murphy

Cora Murphy

The life of our students is becoming increasingly more challenging. We must be their greatest advocates while teaching them how to find their own greatness. Kid President's version of Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the road less traveled. And it hurt MAN... Read More →

Kellie Shelley

ELD Lead Teacher, SJSD
I teach ELD at Edison Elementary, and I am an ELD Lead Teacher for the Midtown schools of SJSD, providing support for teachers of English Language Learners. 
Friday February 14, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm CST
Murphy 105 4525 Downs Dr, St Joseph, MO 64507

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