About me
The life of our students is becoming increasingly more challenging. We must be their greatest advocates while teaching them how to find their own greatness. Kid President's version of Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the road less traveled. And it hurt MAN! Really Bad. Rocks! Thorns! And Glass! Not Cool Robert Frost." Once we have been down the painful road, we don't have to walk down it again, we can find another path to a greater destination.We must teach students that the things in life serving as our greatest challenges can become our strengths, as strength comes from overcoming. Our muscles become stronger by weight lifting gradually to our goals, not by saying, "That weight is too heavy - I can't." This is true of the mind, we become more optimistic and capable of achieving by the success of perseverance. How do we create that environment? As a mainstream and ELD Teacher I taught student to overcome challenges, participate in class, have gratitude and live with purpose through expression. Language development is empowering for students to have the greatest voice to improve their choices.